Core Classes

It is nearly impossible to overstate the importance of community in a believer’s life. However, while community is indispensable to discipleship, community alone does not constitute discipleship.

Because of this, Redeemer desires that every member participates in Core Classes. Through these opportunities, we hope our church would grasp the wondrous story of God’s salvation, be equipped to know and follow Jesus, and engage the world as His ambassadors. 

We designed each class to be active, where participants complete some work on their own, pour over God’s Word together, and engage in group discussions. Although requirements differ from class to class, we have aimed to make each Core Class accessible to nonbelievers, new believers, and growing believers alike.

Lastly, we also offer other discipleship opportunities outside of Core Classes. These range from regularly occurring classes (Parenting, Post-Grad Life, etc.), Bible studies, apprenticeships, small group opportunities through our Men’s Ministry and Women’s Ministry, as well as ministry-equipping through our Missions Cohorts and internship program.






We have organized our classes in three levels: Entry, Mid, and High. Put simply, Entry-Level classes are a great starting point, whereas High-Level classes require more effort and tackle more complex topics. This isn’t to suggest that you can’t jump straight in with Old Testament Survey - please do! Just recognize that it will require more from you than other classes.

Entry-Level Classes

  • Seeing Jesus

    It can be difficult for us to separate the real Jesus from the Jesus depicted in cultural Christianity. This six-week study of The Gospel of Mark is designed to be a refreshing look at who Jesus is, what He came to do, and why He’s worth following. 

    When does it take place? 2-3 times per year

    What does it require? One of our most accessible classes, each week participants will be asked to read a few chapters of Mark and come prepared with questions. 

  • What Christians Ought to Believe

    As Jen Wilkin wrote, “The heart cannot love what the mind does not know.” In other words, disciples without doctrine cannot love God, because they do not - and cannot - know Him. This class is designed to help Redeemer members understand the basic orthodox beliefs of their faith with the understanding that deeper knowledge leads to deeper delight.

    When does it take place? Yearly in the spring

    What does it require? One of our most accessible classes, each week participants will be asked to read 1-2 chapters from What Christians Ought to Believe and come prepared to discuss.

  • Growing in Grace

    “Three seemingly unremarkable principles shape and strengthen the Christian life: listening to God’s voice, speaking to him in prayer, and joining together with his people as the church.” These habits of grace are the ordinary means through which God’s love and power flow to us. This six-week class is designed to practically help believers better study God’s Word for themselves, grow in prayer, deal with sin, and live in Christ-centered community.

    When does it take place? Yearly in the spring

    What does it require? Another one of our most accessible classes, each week participants will be given an assignment relating to a particular spiritual discipline.

Mid-Level Classes

  • Gospel Conversations

    On the cross, Jesus didn’t just make it possible for people to be saved; He fully ransomed people for God, which means that our main task in sharing the gospel is to simply come alongside what the Holy Spirit is already doing in others’ lives. This four-week training is designed to practically equip the saints to sow gospel seeds and prayerfully trust God for growth.

    When does it take place? Yearly

    What does it require? This is a mid-level class where you will be trained in how to share the gospel and challenged to put your training into practice.

  • God's Heart for the City

    In chapter 29 of the prophecy of Jeremiah, the Lord calls His people to seek the shalom (peace) of the city where God has placed them. Covering topics like biblical justice, poverty, race, and orphan care, this class is designed to help us better understand what it means to love our neighbors and seek God’s reconciling peace in Birmingham.

    When does it take place? Yearly in the fall

    What does it require? Each class will consist of teaching, group discussion, and prayer. Additionally, there will be a weekly reflection assignment to be completed at home, as well as occasional practical ministry work.

  • God's Heart for the Nations

    From Genesis to Revelation, God’s redemptive plan has always been to create a people for Himself from every tribe, tongue, language, and nation. This four-week class is designed to help believers see the missionary heart of God and to discover their role in fulfilling the Great Commission today and every day of their lives.

    When does it take place? Yearly in the spring

    What does it require? Each class will consist of teaching, group discussion, and prayer. Additionally, there will be a weekly reflection assignment to be completed at home.

  • Stewardship

    Within Redeemer’s own membership covenant, we ask members to “live a life of worship within our church community, in the giving of your time, finances, and attention.” This six-week class is designed to help Redeemer members believe fully that God cares about what they do with their money and other resources, have a framework for thinking comprehensively about their role as stewards, gain confidence in their knowledge and ability to steward His resources, and change their habits and live with greater generosity and freedom.

    When does it take place? 1-2 times a year

    What does it require? This is a mid-level class, where you’ll be given a brief homework assignment each week to put into practice what you’ve learned.

High-Level Classes

  • Old Testament Survey

    For many believers, much of the Old Testament remains unknown territory at best or confusing and uncomfortable at worst. This ten-week class is designed to show the continuity of God’s character and heart from the Old Testament to the New, as well as provide some historical background to particular books and unpack major themes and characters to deepen your personal study in the first ⅔ of God’s Word.

    When does it take place? Every other year

    What does it require? In order to maximize your benefit from this high-level class, participants will be asked to read a fair amount in the Old Testament each week.

  • New Testament Survey

    Beginning with the Gospels and tracing the arc of God’s redemption to the end of history in Revelation, this ten-week class is designed to give believers an overview of the books, characters, and themes of the New Testament in order to help deepen their personal study in God’s Word.

    When does it take place? Every other year

    What does it require? In order to maximize your benefit from this high-level class, participants will be asked to read a fair amount of the New Testament each week.

  • Knowing the Times

    Never before have so many voices competed to tell you what to think. Knowing the Times is designed for believers to learn together how to think biblically in order to live out our faith in the world. We’ll read and discuss essays and selections spanning 2,000 years of history and cover topics such as sexuality, war, politics, racism, work, community, and more.

    When does it take place? Over the course of two Saturdays each winter

    What does it require? This is the most advanced class we offer at Redeemer. Much of the class time will be discussion-based, which will require familiarity with course material.