Redeemer College

The college students of Redeemer exist to celebrate and declare the gospel of God as we grow in knowing and following Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20) Our hope is to see every college student in Birmingham become a resilient, life-long disciple of Jesus Christ.

Want the most up to date info on what’s going on? Check out our Instagram. If you’d like to sign up for text message notifications for our announcements, text ‘college’ to (205) 860-6480 or send us your info.


What we do

Tuesday Nights

During the school year, we gather nearly every Tuesday at 7:30 PM. Our gatherings are centered on Word, Prayer, and Worship. Check out our schedule below for more info.

Small Groups

College Small Groups are Redeemer-member led and usually consist of 2-5 students. Groups meet weekly, walking through a focused time of scripture, prayer, accountability, and scripture memorization.

College Mission Trip

Every Spring Break, we organize a trip with Filter of Hope.


Get involved

Join a small group

If you're a college student that calls Redeemer your church home, we'd love to see you join a small group.*

*We’ll start another round in 2025.

Lead a Small Group

Are you Interested in leading and shepherding college students with Redeemer College this year? Let us know by filling out this form.

Get in touch

We’d love grab coffee, whether you want help getting plugged in or just want more information.


Gathering Schedule

We meet nearly every Tuesday night. The most up-to-date info can be found on our Instagram.