Redeemer Kids
Our goal is to provide a safe environment where all children, from infants to 6th-graders, are encouraged to know and follow Jesus Christ! We hope to accomplish this by teaching and celebrating the gospel within our church family and declaring it through service to their peers, neighbors, and the world.
In addition to teaching children to live gospel-centered lives, our ministry seeks to support parents and families in their commitment to raise their children in the knowledge and fear of the Lord. We hope to offer practical support and encouragement for applying Redeemer’s mission, vision, and convictions in their families.
In everything, our ministry is guided by Ephesians 2:8-10:
“For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (ESV)
Weekly Gatherings
We gather weekly and we invite you to join us! For the latest information, check out our Visit Us page.
Frequently Asked Questions
On Sundays, we serve Cheerios in our infants to 3 years old classes. For non-Sunday events, we may serve age-appropriate foods such as pizza, apple sauce pouches, pretzels, popcorn, or animal crackers. We do not serve snacks in our older classes, ages Pre-K and up. Occasionally, we will reward children with a peanut/dairy/egg-free candy prize, such as Starburst, AirHeads, or Lifesaver mints.
We take food allergies very seriously and want you to be confident that we will provide your children with the utmost care. Please alert the leaders at our front desk about your child's allergies - care information will be added to your child's nametag. For young children, please alert the teachers in their classroom at drop-off each week.
Absolutely! While our worship services are not explicitly structured for family-wide participation, our leaders welcome children of all ages to attend. We encourage families to worship together. Please note that all children aged PreK (4 years by August 31st) through 4th grade attend the first portion of the worship service each week with their families.
Redeemer Kids develops kid-friendly worship guides, which are available at the entry to the sanctuary. These guides encourage note-taking, with areas for ideas that stand out to them in the service.
At Redeemer, we practice child dedication and believer's baptism. Members of the church may have their child dedicated, though it is not mandatory. While many children are dedicated as infants, Redeemer does not have age requirements.
Child dedication is not explicitly commanded in the Bible, but the idea is biblical. Israelites would bring their eight-day-old children to the priest for a blessing. In 1 Samuel 1, Hannah brought her child to the priest to dedicate him to the Lord. Mary and Joseph followed this same practice with Jesus.
Child dedication is an act of worship, thanksgiving, trust, and commitment. It is a time when parents in our church commit before their covenant church family that they will raise up their child in the fear and knowledge of the Lord. And since the church has entered into a covenant relationship with them through membership, the congregation has committed itself to help raise this child as well.
Interested in dedicating your child or finding out more about the process? Contact Hannah for more info.
We ask that your infant has received their 2-month vaccinations before dropping them off in the nursery.
After completing 6th grade, our children move to Redeemer Youth! Check out their page for more information.
Before becoming a volunteer, candidates meet with a representative of our ministry. They must observe a classroom with a ministry representative, complete a background check, and provide two personal references following that meeting. Volunteers cannot serve in the classrooms until the background check and personal references are submitted and approved.
The only exception to this policy occurs if a child's parent volunteers on occasion. Unscreened parents may serve in our classes up to three times annually.
Lastly, only designated representatives can change diapers or take children to the restroom.
At Redeemer, communion is served on the final Sunday of each month at the worship service's end. Baptized, believing children are welcome to partake in communion.
If they are checked in to Redeemer Kids, children should be picked up from class by their parents during communion.
If your child has experienced any COVID-19 symptoms in the past two weeks, please refrain from attending. These include but are not limited to: fever, dry cough, body aches, headaches, and other flu-like symptoms.
Children must be symptom-free from the following without medication for 24 hours before entering the classroom:
• Fever of 100º or higher
• Vomiting or diarrhea
• Conjunctivitis (pink eye or other eye infection)
• Nasal drainage that is green or yellow
• Excessive coughing
• Sore throat
• Open sores
• Lice
• Rash
• ColdIf your child develops any of these symptoms while in class, we will text you to pick them up. If a parent cannot be reached via text message, the child will stay outside of the classroom with the supervisor or greeter.
Redeemer Kids is committed to caring for children with special needs. Please alert the leaders at our front desk about your child's needs. We will discuss with the class teachers and coordinators any special instructions for caring for your child.
We encourage you to attend class with your child for several weeks to become acquainted with the classroom environment, staff, and volunteers. We welcome suggestions for how we can best serve your family.
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Ministry Staff
Kari Callahan
Children’s Coordinator
Email Kari
Hannah Carroll
Children’s Coordinator
Email Hannah