O Life, O Death of Death!

Mark 15:40–16:8


  1. What in particular stuck out most to you in the Scripture from Jeff’s sermon?

  2. If Jesus had told his followers that he had to die and be raised from the dead (Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:33-34), why might they have been so afraid once he was resurrected?

  3. Jeff mentioned, “these women trembled at their core because they were confronted with the revelation that Jesus...is far more powerful, far more supreme, and far more glorious than they ever dared believe.” Can you think of a time in your life where you realized that Jesus was far more powerful, supreme or glorious than you had previously dared to believe?

  4. Why do you think Mark intended to leave his readers with this thought of being afraid (16:8)?

  5. What does it actually mean for us to worship God with “fear and trembling” (Psalm 2:11-12)?

  6. Reflect on Jeff's comment, “Jesus didn't come to give you a second chance to be better; he came to give life to the dead.”

  7. Where in your life or in your heart do you most need the resurrection power of Jesus to give you life?


Leaving A Mark


The Death of the Son of God (Afternoon)