Commandment or Tradition

Mark 7:1-13 

Discussion Questions

Talk about the difference between how the Pharisees and Jesus respond to the disciple's eating with unwashed hands. How is the way of Jesus and the way of traditionalism/rituals different?

  1. This story shows Jesus leading his disciples from falsehood to truth, ultimately leading to conflict with the Pharisees. How have you seen this happen in your own story? When has the way of Jesus led to conflict, whether in your own understanding of right and wrong or with others?  

  2. Why do you think Jesus brings up the words of Isaiah in verses 6-8? When are you prone to believe your outward behavior or practices are what will make God pleased and lead to him giving you good things?

  3. Do you ever feel like it's easier to trust in yourself rather than Jesus? Why is that? Why do we need to be cleansed on the inside rather than the outside? 

  4. Read Psalm 51. How do verses 16-17 contrast to what we see in the posture of the Pharisees? How would you define obedience based on these verses? 

  5. Jeff reminded us that the way of Jesus invites us into an obedience that comes from a response of being made right with God by Christ alone. How might God be calling you to respond with this sort of obedience today? 


The Heart of the Matter (Morning)


Take Heart! It Is I!