The Spirit of Pentecost

John 18:15–17 ; Acts 1:6–14 ; Acts 2:1–8


  1. What in particular most stuck out to you in the Scripture or from the sermon?

  2. Why do you think Acts 1:8 identifies us as “witnesses” rather than worshippers, Bible scholars, advocates or something else?

  3. What might it look like for you to live out your calling as God’s witness on a daily basis?

  4. In his sermon, Joel pointed out two contrasting mistakes we can make when it comes to the Holy Spirit. On one side, it is possible for us to trust our own gifting or ability so much that we forget to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. On the other side, it is possible to be so insecure about our weaknesses and limitations that we do not trust in the power of the Holy Spirit. Do you find yourself falling into either of these camps? Why?

  5. Read Galatians 5:16 and 5:25. What might it mean for us to “keep in step with the Spirit?”

  6. What prevents you from more fully proclaiming the gospel “with boldness?”

  7. If you fully believed that the Holy Spirit was the person of God, was limitless in power, and was always with you, how would it approach the way you embraced your calling to be God's witness this week?


Come & See


The Ascension of the Son of Man (Afternoon)