The King is Here

Matthew 21:1-11 

Discussion Questions

  1. What sticks out to you most in the Scripture and why?

  2. This passage is filled with assertions that Jesus is Lord and Jesus is King. How does the passage expand or deepen your understanding about the type of king Jesus is?

  3. Practically speaking, what does it look like to allow Jesus the King to have authority over our lives and influence over our decisions? 

  4. How is Jesus's humility or gentleness (21:5) different than him being powerless? What implications does Jesus's humility have for us?

  5. Read Zechariah 9:9. How does the salvation which Jesus offers compare to what you expect from Jesus?

  6. Where are your expectations of Jesus rooted in Scripture and where are they things you may have just thought up yourself?

  7. How does the account of the Triumphal Entry lead you to repentance? To rejoice?


Seeing the Risen Christ


Gutsy, Persistent Faith