Turn & Live
Ezekiel 18
What part of the Scripture or sermon impacted you the most, and why?
Why do you think people often shift blame for their wrongdoing onto their parents or others? How do we balance recognizing others’ influence while taking full responsibility for our own sin?
Are there any ways you find yourself excusing or justifying your own sin by blaming someone or something else? How can you take greater ownership?
Read Ezekiel 18:21-24. Joel commented on this excerpt, saying, “your present righteousness is all that matters. Past righteousness does not matter if you’re currently living in sin and past sinfulness does not matter if you’ve repented and turned to righteousness.” In what ways are you tempted to dwell on either your past righteousness or past sinfulness?
How does dwelling on past righteousness or past sinfulness impact your relationship with God today?
Over the last year or two, would you say the trajectory of your life is moving towards righteousness, moving towards sinfulness, or holding stagnant? Why is that?
Read Ezekiel 18:30-32. How specifically might God be calling to you to repent and cast away your transgressions this week?