Our Wounded Lover

Ezekiel 16:1–22


  1. What part of the Scripture or sermon impacted you the most and why?

  2. Ezekiel 16:1-14 highlights God's kindness to his people even when they are helpless. What are some ways God showed his kindness to Israel? Has shown his kindness to you?

  3. Joel commented on Ezekiel 16:15-22 and 30-34 that “in return [for God's kindness] Israel did not desire God; they desired all the things that God gave them.” In what ways can you relate to desiring God’s gifts rather than God himself?

  4. Why or how do you struggle to believe that God alone is enough for you? How have you seen that unbelief lead you into specific sins?

  5. What emotions does this passage stir in you about your sin and God’s response to it?

  6. Read Romans 2:4. Why is it God’s kindness, as opposed to his wrath, that should most bring us to repentance?

  7. In your heart of hearts, how do you expect God to respond to your sin? How does that compare to what we see in Ezekiel 16:62-63?


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The Calling of Ezekiel